Dataset | Summary |
Division |
150 year, multi-proxy moss bank data of biological response to climate change from the Antarctic Peninsula GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00929
The data consists of proxy data with associated ages from six moss bank cores fr ... |
Physical Sciences
Acclimation and acclimatisation of marine ectotherms collected at Rothera Research Station and Scott Base in Antarctica between 2004 and 2015 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01825
This data assesses the ability of 8 species, from 7 classes representing a range ... |
Acclimation potential of global ectothermic species, collated from literature, 1960 to 2015 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01096
A dataset of acclimation potential of terrestrial, freshwater and marine ectothe ... |
Acoustic backscatter data and RMT25 abundance and biomass data for Scotia Sea, Southern Ocean 2006, 2008, 2009, 2015, 2016 and 2017 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01142
This is a mixed data set held in six excel files, containing processed acoustic ... |
Analysis of fungal cultures, plant and soil samples collected from the northern Antarctic Peninsula region, 2002-2003 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00262
This study investigated the status of dark septate (DS) fungi in Antarctic plant ... |
Analysis of piston sediment core from the Weddell Sea GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00560
Piston core PS1506, a repeat of core PS1387, was collected from a midslope bench ... |
Annotated dataset of beluga whales detected in Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery of the southern Kara Sea (Russia) in July 2016. GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01829
This annotated dataset comprises locational data of beluga whales along the east ... |
Biological Sciences
Annotated dataset of grey whales detected in Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery of Baja California Sur lagoons in 2009, 2013 and 2015. GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01827
This annotated dataset comprises locational data of grey whales in lagoons San I ... |
Biological Sciences
Annotated dataset of wandering albatrosses detected in Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery of South Georgia, Crozet Islands and Kerguelen Islands, from 2015-2017. GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01830
This annotated dataset comprises locational data of wandering albatrosses at col ... |
Biological Sciences
Annual and sub-annual diatom abundance and distribution in the Jurassic, Rothschild Island, Sherman Island and Sky-Blu ice cores (1992-2019 CE) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01610
This dataset presents the annual and sub-annual diatom records preserved in a se ... |
Physical Sciences
Annual arrival dates for chinstrap penguins on Signy Island at onset of breeding season, from 1996 to 2020. GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01609
This dataset comprises the annual count of chinstrap penguins arriving to Signy ... |
Physical Sciences
Annual measurements of body mass for Adelie penguin chicks prior to fledging at Signy Island, from 1997 to 2020. GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01533
This dataset captures annual measurements of body mass for Adelie penguin chicks ... |
Biological Sciences
Annual measurements of body mass for chinstrap penguin chicks at Signy Island, from 1997 to 2020. GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01538
This datasets captures the annual measurements of body mass for chinstrap pengui ... |
Biological Sciences
Annual measurements of mass of chinstrap penguins taken on arrival to Signy Island at onset of breeding season, from 1996 to 2020. GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01569
This datasets captures the body mass, bill length and bill depth of adult chinst ... |
Biological Sciences
Annual population counts of multiple species of seal, Signy Island, 1974-2024 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/02026
The seal population on Signy Island has been monitored since 1974. The total num ... |
Biological Sciences
Annual samples and measurements of diet composition of Adelie penguins at Signy Island, from 1997 to 2020. GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01549
This dataset captures information on the diet composition and mass of Adelie pen ... |
Biological Sciences
Annual samples and measurements of diet composition of chinstrap penguins at Signy Island, from 1997 to 2020. GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01550
This dataset captures information on the diet composition and mass of chinstrap ... |
Biological Sciences
Annual samples and measurements of diet composition of gentoo penguins at Signy Island, from 1998 to 2010. GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01551
This dataset captures information on the diet composition and mass of gentoo pen ... |
Biological Sciences
Antarctic Fur Seal entanglements at Bird Island, South Georgia, from 1998 onwards GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01208
Incidences of Antarctic Fur Seals entangled in man-made debris have been recorde ... |
Biological Sciences
Antarctic Fur Seal entanglements at South Georgia, from 2008 onwards GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01210
Incidences of Antarctic Fur Seals entangled in man-made debris have been recorde ... |
Biological Sciences
Antarctic Fur Seal foraging trip duration, Bird Island, South Georgia from 1978 onwards GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01212
Since 1978, female Antarctic Fur Seal foraging trip duration has been monitored ... |
Biological Sciences
Antarctic Fur Seal pup weight at Maiviken, South Georgia, from 2009 to 2020 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01184
Since 2009, the weights of male and female Antarctic Fur Seal pups from the Maiv ... |
Biological Sciences
Antarctic Fur seal pup weight at Bird Island, South Georgia, from 1973 to 2020 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00334
The weight of Antarctic fur seal pups at Main Bay on Bird Island have been measu ... |
Biological Sciences
Antarctic Plant Database (database of the BAS Herbarium) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00023
This database contains information on the herbarium specimens held in the herbar ... |
Antarctic food webs - Jacobian matrices GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00909
The Antarctic food webs represent two entire above-belowground communities from ... |
Physical Sciences