Discovery Metadata System


Dataset Summary Division
Biological tissue samples for octopus species collected on James Clark Ross cruise JR147/145, Southern Ocean, 2006 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00629 Biological tissue samples from octopus species collected from the Southern Ocean ...
DNA sequencing data from octopus samples collected in the Southern Ocean GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00630 DNA sequencing data from octopus samples collected in the Southern Ocean. A smal ...
Data from long-term study into the effects of temperature and pH stressors on Antarctic sea urchin, Sterechinus neumayeri GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00810 This data was gathered to study the effects of combined environmental stressors ... Biological Sciences
Krill genetic profiling from samples collected in the Southern Ocean and South Atlantic during the Discovery 2010 cruise JR177 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00646 Genetic profiling data relating to studies on Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba ...
Laternula elliptica developmental bulk RNA-Seq data analysis results 2022, collected from Hangar Cove Rothera Point, on Adelaide Island in 2018 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01607 This dataset comprises mRNA that was extracted from Laternula elliptica developm ... Biological Sciences
List of Early Cenozoic fossil taxa from Antarctica, Western Europe and US Gulf Coast GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01627 This dataset comprises lists of fossil species from a polar region (Seymour Isla ... Geological Sciences
Modelled spatial predictions of the distribution and density of Antarctic krill in the South Scotia Sea between 2011-2020 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01974 This dataset contains gridded spatial predictions of the distribution and densit ...
Molecular analysis of Calanus from the Fram Strait 2019 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01858 Multidisciplinary field campaigns were carried out in the Fram Strait region dur ... Biological Sciences
Molluscan Shell Matrix Proteins GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01132 The database contains fasta sequences from UniProt and associated metadata for m ...
Nematode taxa extracted from Cephaloziella varians and Sanionia uncinata in open top chamber warming experiment at Rothera Point, Adelaide Island GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01325 Nematode species were extracted from two species of bryophyte (Cephaloziella var ...
Taxonomic identification and molecular barcoding of sea cucumbers collected from Rothera Research Station, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica, in 2012 and 2021 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01754 This dataset describes the taxonomic identification and molecular barcoding of t ...
Upper Thermal Limits (UTL) experiments on the Antarctic spirorbid Romanchella perrieri GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01158 UTLs were used to determine whether whole animal acclimation had occurred in R. ...
Zooplankton picked from a sediment trap (400 m depth) at the P3 observation site, Northeast Scotia Sea, throughout 2018 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01857 Here, for the first time in the Southern Ocean, this dataset contains the season ... Biological Sciences
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