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Dataset Summary Division
Persistent organic pollutant concentrations in artificial sea ice experiments conducted between 01-May-2017 to 01-Jun-2017 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01481 Persistent organic pollutant concentrations in artificial sea ice experiments at ... Physical Sciences
Phase-sensitive radar (ApRES) time series data from Thwaites eastern ice shelf, 2020 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01641 The dataset comprises ApRES (Autonomous phase-sensitive Radio Echo Sounder) time ... Physical Sciences
Point cloud data and visualisation of an englacial cut-and-closure channel on Austre Broggerbreen, Svalbard, in March 2016 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01163 The dataset encompasses the processed point clouds (.pts format), a panoramic to ... Physical Sciences
Point cloud data and visualisation of the englacial channel exiting the portal of Austre Broggerbreen, Svalbard, in March 2017 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01154 The dataset encompasses the processed point clouds (.pts format), a panoramic to ... Physical Sciences
Polarimetric ApRES data on a profile across Dome C, East Antarctica, 2013-2014 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01560 The radar data collected in 2013-2014 at Dome C, East Antarctica, aims to unders ... Physical Sciences
Polarimetric phase sensitive radar data from Korff Ice Rise, West Antarctica, 2014 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01098 In 2014 polarimetric phase sensitive radar data were collected at Korff Ice Rise ... Physical Sciences
Positions and dimensions of the A68 icebergs between September 2020 and April 2021 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01732 This dataset contains daily positions of the A68 family of giant icebergs during ... Physical Sciences
Proglacial discharge measurements, Leverett Glacier, south-west Greenland GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00840 Measurements of water discharge, suspended sediment concentration and electrical ... Physical Sciences
Quad-polarimetric ApRES measurements along a 6 km-long transect at the WAIS Divide, December 2019 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01495 Polarimetric phase-sensitive radar measurements were collected at the Western An ... Physical Sciences
RESPONDER: Observations of a supraglacial lake drainage event at Lake 028 on Store Glacier, Greenland, July 2018 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01255 Datasets from the Resolving subglacial properties, hydrological networks and dyn ... Physical Sciences
RESPONDER: Observations of crevasses, crevasse ponding, and surface stress across west Greenland, 2017 - 2019 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01500 Datasets from the Resolving subglacial properties, hydrological networks and dyn ... Physical Sciences
Radar characterization of ice crystal orientation fabric and anisotropic rheology within Rutford Ice Stream, 2017-2019 - VERSION 1.0 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01428 We use polarimetric radar sounding to investigate variation in ice crystal orien ... Physical Sciences
Radar-derived bed reflectivity of Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica, December 2016 to January 2017 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01438 The dataset presented here contains a csv-file including the coordinates, receiv ... Physical Sciences
Raw GNSS/INS buoy data during the MOSAiC expedition 2019-2020 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01686 This dataset contains the raw data from GNSS/INS (Global Navigation Satellite Sy ... Physical Sciences
Records of isotopes, anions, cations and organic compounds measured in the Bouvet Island ice core for the time period 2001-2016 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01197 These data files contain the records of isotopes, anions, cations and organic co ... Physical Sciences
Salinity profiles of snow on sea ice and sea ice in the Arctic Ocean during winter 2015 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01166 Salinity profiles of sea ice and snow on sea ice were measured in the Arctic Oce ... Physical Sciences
Satellite-derived velocity maps for Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica, between November 2017-April 2019 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01433 Velocity maps were derived, for regions of Larsen C ice shelf, from satellite im ... Physical Sciences
Scanning Electron Microscopy - Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy data from surface seawater particles collected from the West Antarctic Peninsula during the Icebergs 3 JR19002 expedition GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01980 During the JR19002 Icebergs 3 cruise, particulate samples from the surface seawa ... Physical Sciences
Sea-ice floe size distribution data derived from USGS GFL high-resolution satellite imagery for the pre-ponding period of 2000-2014 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01295 The dataset (FSD-GFL-res2m-Preponding) contains sea-ice floe ice distribution (F ... Physical Sciences
Seasonal changes in snow water equivalent and chemical properties on Gourlay Snowfield and Tuva Glacier, Signy Island, Antarctica, 2012-2013 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00928 Between December 2012 and March 2013, snow measurements were conducted at both G ... Physical Sciences
Seismic bathymetry surveys of Subglacial Lake CECs, West Antarctica, 2016 and 2022 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01724 Subglacial Lake CECs was previously identified using radar profile data. Subglac ... Physical Sciences
Seismic refraction data from two sites on Antarctica's Larsen C Ice Shelf, Nov 2017, following the calving of Iceberg A68 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01226 Seismic refraction data were acquired at two sites on Antarctica''s Larsen C Ice ... Physical Sciences
Seismic refraction data, Antarctic Peninsula, Larsen C Ice Shelf, Joerg Peninsula Suture Zone / Solberg Inlet Ice Shelf Unit, November-December 2008 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01245 Walk-away seismic reflection surveys were conducted in two locations on and to t ... Physical Sciences
Sentinel-2 imagery, S6, south-west Greenland, July 2017: Broadband albedo and surface type classification GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01292 This dataset consists of (1) broadband albedo calculated using a narrowband-to-b ... Physical Sciences
Sequencing data from Signy Island, Leonie Island and Bird Island soil fungi communities, 2011 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00927 Soil fungi communities from three Antarctic islands were characterised using DNA ... Physical Sciences
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