Discovery Metadata System


Dataset Summary Division
Marine Isotope Stage 5e diatom assemblages in marine sediment core ANTA91-8 (-70.78 degN, 172.83 degE, Cruise ANTA91) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01445 A new version of this dataset is now available: Chadwick, M., & Allen, C. (2 ... Biological Sciences
Marine Isotope Stage 5e diatom assemblages in marine sediment core ANTA91-8 (-70.78 degN, 172.83 degE, Cruise ANTA91) - VERSION 2 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01512 This dataset presents the relative diatom abundances of 56 species/groups from t ... Biological Sciences
Marine Isotope Stage 5e diatom assemblages in marine sediment core ELT17-9 (-63.08 degN, -135.12 degE, Cruise ELT17) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01446 This dataset presents the relative diatom abundances of 55 species/groups from t ... Biological Sciences
Airborne magnetic data covering the Evans, and Rutford Ice Streams, and ice rises in the Ronne Ice Shelf (2006/07) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01350 An airborne radar survey was flown as part of the GRADES-IMAGE project funded by ... Geological Sciences
Gravity-derived bathymetry for the Thwaites, Crosson and Dotson ice shelves (2009-2019) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01332 This dataset is an estimate of sub ice shelf bathymetry beneath the Thwaites, Cr ... Geological Sciences
High resolution aeromagnetic line data in the Ross Sea Rift collected for the ANDRILL pre-site survey (2008-09 season) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01341 A high resolution survey was flown opportunistically by BAS at the end of the AG ... Geological Sciences
High resolution processed line aerogravity data over James Ross Island, Northern Antarctic Peninsula (1997/1998) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01353 Airborne gravity data were collected using a Zero Length Spring Corporation (ZLS ... Geological Sciences
High resolution processed line aeromagnetic data over James Ross Island, Northern Antarctic Peninsula (1997/1998) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01352 Gravity, magnetic and radar data were acquired during a joint UK-Argentina (BAS/ ... Geological Sciences
Processed high resolution line aeromagnetic data over Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf (2010-2011) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01355 In 2011, aerogeophysics data were acquired over Pine Island Glacier, West Antarc ... Geological Sciences
Processed line aerogravity data from the 2015/16 PolarGAP survey of the South Pole region GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01583 A new version of this dataset exists. Please have a look at: Ferraccioli, F., Fo ... Geological Sciences
Processed line aerogravity data from the FISS 2016 surveys covering the Filchner and Halley Ice Shelves, and the English Coast (western Palmer Land), West Antarctica (2016/2017) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01574 Three separate airborne radar surveys were flown during the austral summer of 20 ... Geological Sciences
Processed line aerogravity data over Northern Palmer Land, Antarctic Peninsula (2002/03 season) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01359 Over 20,000 km of new aerogravity data were acquired over Palmer Land during the ... Geological Sciences
Processed line aerogravity data over Wilkes Subglacial Basin region (2005/06 season) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01361 This data set contains aerogravity data collected during the WISE/ISODYN project ... Geological Sciences
Processed line aerogravity data over the Evans Ice Stream, Southern Palmer Land region (1994/95 season) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01348 The survey collected a total of 11,500 km of data along 22 lines, spaced 12 km a ... Geological Sciences
Processed line aerogravity data over the Thwaites Glacier region (2019/20 season) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01323 As part of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC) ~9540 km of n ... Geological Sciences
Processed line aeromagnetic data from the 2015/16 PolarGAP survey of the South Pole region. GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01584 The ESA PolarGap airborne gravity, lidar/radar and aeromagnetic survey was carri ... Geological Sciences
Processed line aeromagnetic data from the FISS 2015 survey covering the Foundation Ice Stream (2015/2016) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01578 An airborne radar survey was flown during the austral summer of 2015/16 over the ... Geological Sciences
Processed line aeromagnetic data from the FISS 2016 surveys covering the Filchner and Halley Ice Shelves, and the English Coast (western Palmer Land), West Antarctica (2016/2017) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01577 Three separate airborne radar surveys were flown during the austral summer of 20 ... Geological Sciences
Processed line aeromagnetic data over Wilkes Subglacial Basin (2005/06 season) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01360 This data set contains aeromagnetic data collected during the WISE/ISODYN projec ... Geological Sciences
Processed line aeromagnetic data over the Black Coast (1996/97 season) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01342 Using the British Antarctic Survey''s DeHavilland Dash-7, approximately 10,000 l ... Geological Sciences
Processed line aeromagnetic data over the Dufek Massif, Pensacola Mountains (1998/99 season) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01345 A British Antarctic Survey Twin Otter and survey team acquired 8,300 line-km of ... Geological Sciences
Processed line aeromagnetic data over the Larsen Ice Shelf (1998) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01354 In 1998, aeromagnetic data over the Larsen Ice Shelf were acquired giving inform ... Geological Sciences
Processed line aeromagnetic data over the Thwaites glacier region (2019/2020 season) GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01320 Aeromagnetic data provides important constraints on the sub-surface geology of a ... Geological Sciences
Geophysical survey of Peninsula Point, NWT, Canada, using Tromino 3G ENGY instruments, 2019-07-31 - 2019-08-03 GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/01351 This is a survey over the changing topography of a massive ice type site, Penins ... Physical Sciences
A bathymetric and topographic compilation of the South Sandwich Island Volcanic Arc GB/NERC/BAS/PDC/00812 A bathymetric and topographic compilation of the South Sandwich Islands Volcanic ...
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